Friday, July 22, 2011

Starting a Blog!

This should really be a piece of cake,you know starting a blog- for one of my classes at BYU, I made one once entitled "Cheryl learns technology at BYU". You can imagine what that class did for my self-esteem. But that is besides the point. I have now been married for over a year now and have pretty much broken the new law of marriage...begin a blog ASAP. Now that I have moved to Baltimore and am jobless, homeless, and real hungry, I am ready to take the plunge. I am quite sure this is going to be the start of something both pleasant and magical to all those who are involved.

1 comment:

  1. magical indeed. i can't wait to read, 'cheryl growing up in baltimore.'. love ya. c-a-r-l-y! (i'm copying mom if you didn't know.)

    p.s. HII CHERYL.... from klien kopf
