Saturday, August 13, 2011


Costco is like a safe haven for me and Kyle.  We go there to get the cheapest price on gas, for free samples on Saturdays, to watch 3D T.V. for a while, acquire frozen chicken, and of course to get  dinner.  A couple of days ago Kyle and I headed down to Costco, which is about 20 minutes out of the city.  After being approved the Costco Security at the front of the building, we were home free.  I made a b-line for the free samples because it was just after 5 and I knew they would be shutting down soon.  After eating my gogurt, jelly beans, and bagel-bites, it was time to get the frozen chicken we came for.  As we came down the aisle, Kyle and I began debating what kind of chicken to purchase when a sweet woman said, "how about the garlic chicken?"  We turned and she proceeded to tell us exactly why it was so great.  If Costco had commercials, I would have insisted her to star in one.  After kindly thanking her for her trouble we turned to go, BUT she had just began.  Let's just say the next 20 minutes of life were enlightening.  These are just SOME of the things we found out about our new friend.  Let's call her Debbie.

  • She is remarried--her first husband passed
  • She has lived all over the world
  • Her 2nd husband was in the air-force
  • She has been in 2 serious car-wrecks
  • She has a disk in her hip
  • She had been "verbally assaulted" earlier that day
  • She called the cops of this man
  • She has a handicap sticker on her car
  • She takes pain pills
  • She has a daughter living in Arizona
  • she was planning a surprise party for her son-in-law (where was feeding them the garlic chicken she tried to sell to us)
  • She thinks Hawaii is nothing compared to Osaka
  • She hates traffic circles
  • She is from Nebraska
By the end of this convo, she was hugging both of us and gave us her number.  She told me it looked like I needed a hug.  Mind you this whole time people kept trying to get past us.  You cannot make this stuff up.  


I am weary about rats.  When I was reading the Harry Potter series repeatedly from ages 10-24, I gave rats a chance when I came to love Ron's pet rat "Scabbers".  After book 3, I decided that I could never give rats the benefit of the doubt again.  In Baltimore, almost everyone who lives in a row-home has a back alley.  We are no exception.  Our back alley is cursed though.  Every time the word "rat" is uttered when present in the alley, a rat will appear.  I have now seen 7 rats.  They are so terrifying.  I am currently reading a book about Baltimore called, "The Charm City" and the author pleads his case about why people started moving here.  His number 2 reason what that although rats were run rampantly in the streets, most did not have rabies.  This my friends is how I cope.